Meeting documents

SSDC Area South Committee
Wednesday, 5th April, 2017 2.00 pm

  • Meeting of Area South Committee, Wednesday 5th April 2017 2.00 pm (Item 152.)


(Applications 17/00807/FUL and 17/00810/LBC were presented together)


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda and with the aid of a power point gave a presentation showing the site and proposed plans. 


He referred to concerns raised as set out in the agenda report regarding the low head room to the stairs and the overall size of the accommodation and that despite planning considerations the proposal still failed to meet Building Control Regulations.  He confirmed that there were no further updates to the report. 


The Planning Officer also informed members that whilst not a planning consideration, as SSDC owned the property, that if members were minded to approve the application this could not be implemented due to the failure to comply to the building control regulations. 


He believed the application to be harmful to the listed building due to the poor visual appearance of the proposed roof lights, the inadequate quality and size of the accommodation being provided and the proposal to have a significant impact on the character of the conservation area.  He therefore concluded that on this basis his recommendation was to refuse the applications for reasons as set out in the agenda report for both planning permission and Listed Building consent.


In response to members’ questions, the Planning Officer and Area South Lead clarified:


·         The application would be subject to Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

·         Confirmed Building Control Regulations do not consider space standards.

·         This is a revised application, the previous application being a one bedroom flat but had been withdrawn.


Councillor Tony Lock confirmed that Yeovil Town Council were in support of the application and considered it not greatly different from the last application and would be a crime to see the property left empty.


John Wratten the agent then addressed the committee.  He appreciated the problems of the staircase and referred to a previous application granted in 2014 and explained the current proposal to replace the present staircase, which is currently in a bad state of repair, which would comply with building regulations without the need for a dormer window.  He also referred to the other flats already converted within the building which had therefore already changed the internal appearance of the listed building. 


Councillor Andy Kendall, Ward member raised concern regarding the non-compliance of building regulations and the lack of car parking provision for the flats.


Councillor Peter Gubbins, Ward member informed members that he had visited the application site and believed the proposal to be acceptable should it comply with the necessary Building Control Regulations.  He considered it to be in an excellent town centre location and provided much needed accommodation. 


He then put forward the proposal that ‘members be minded to approve, but defer to receive plan to meet Building Control Regulations and defer to allow officers and Ward members to sign off’.  This was subsequently seconded.


Following a short discussion the majority of members voiced their support of the proposal to defer mindful to approve the application subject to the receipt of a plan to meet Building Control Regulations and defer to allow officers and Ward members to sign off.  On being put to the vote this was carried by 11 votes in favour and 1 against.




Defer application 17/00807/FUL but mindful to approve for a receipt of plan to show Building Regulation compliance, thereafter delegate to Ward members and Planning Officers.


(voting: 11 in favour, 1 against)


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